Joan’s Feijoa Jam
We made visit to see Joan and Peter at Bimbadeen Grove Farm in Red Hill South. Wonderful farmers who grow unique and heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, these two lovely people were so welcoming and sent us home with a Feijoa Jam, that was just superb, so good in fact, we asked Joan if she wanted to share the recipe. See below.
(I don't usually measure any ingredients.The amount of water in this recipe will ensure jam is slightly runny).
1 kg feijoas - unpeeled
8 cups water
500 gm sugar
(Lemons not needed because the fruit has pectin)
Wash feijoas.
Cut top off (checking integrity of fruit) and chop up remainder in blender.
Place feijoa mixture into a large saucepan.
Add 8 cups water.
Bring to boil and stir in sugar using a wooden spoon.
Lower temperature until slow 'roll' boiling.
Stir occasionally.
When consistency thickens, after about one hour, a sample can be placed on a saucer in the freezer to check it's set.
Once ready pour into steralized jars.
For variety: reduce feijoa amount and add, for example, figs and/or apples up to total weight of 1 kg.