Hawkes Farm Potato Gnocchi, Tomato Sugo & Goat’s Curd
1 kg Nicola Potato Hawkes Farm
100 g Plain Flour
1 Each Free Range Egg
Salt & Pepper
Tomato Sugo
1 kg Saucing Tomatoes
10 g Salt
50 g Goat’s Curd
½ B Swiss Chard (washed, and cut into chunks)
2 Clv Garlic (finely chopped)
Fresh basil leaves
Start by making the tomato Sugo.
Wash, core, quarter the tomatoes and put them into a sauce pan large enough to hold them comfortably, sprinkle the salt over, mix and allow to sit for 10 minutes before putting on the stove over medium heat.
Cook for about 30 to 45 minutes until the tomatoes have collapsed and some of the liquid has evaporated. Stir regularly to prevent catching.
Blend the tomatoes and pass. Use immediately as required.
Note: If required for later use, the Tomato Sugo can be bottled. To do this sterilise some glass bottles, funnel or pour the Sugo in, put the lid on and make sure it’s tightly closed. Place the bottles in a pot of boiling water and allow to sit in there for 30 minutes.
To make the gnocchi place the washed potatoes in a pot of lightly salted water, bring to a simmer and cook until tender.
Fill a large pot with water and bring up to a simmer (this will be used to cook the gnocchi)
Drain, allow to cool for a few minutes and peel skin from the potatoes while they are still hot.
Pass through a mouli or potato ricer.
Mix in the flour, egg, salt, pepper and nutmeg and work the dough until it comes together. If the dough feels too sticky work in a little more flour.
Cut a piece of the dough (about 300 g) and roll on a floured surface into a long rope about 2 cm in diameter. Flour well while to avoid sticking while you process the rest of the dough.
Once all the dough is processed into ropes cut into 2.5 cm pieces using a bench scraper.
Lift and drop carefully into the simmering water, cook for about 3-4 minutes, they will rise to the surface as they cook.
Using a perforated spoon lift them and drop them into iced water (this process will set them and make them easier to handle).
Drain, the gnocchi can be used now or stored for later use. If required for later use drizzle some vegetable oil over them and store in the fridge.
Melt some butter in a pan, add the garlic and allow to cook for a couple of minutes until aromatic, put the potato gnocchi in a increase the heat, allow the gnocchi to take on some colour, add the sugo and cook a minute.
Add the swiss Chard pieces and cook for another minute until wilted.
Taste and season to taste.
Serve the gnocchi on a plate and spoon some goat’s cud over it, garnish with fresh basil leaves and a drizzle of EVO.